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Learning about the era

These pages are designed to be an interactive experience for anybody with an interest in Early Mediaeval Europe and in Anglo-Saxon and Viking Britain in particular. Navigate the map to learn about an Anglo-Saxon village, the places, the people, the crafts that made up like in the era we portry.

You should also consider popping over to Regiapædia where much of this content is now held and updated.


Early British Kings

Virtual Village

Wichamstow - click to the map to explore The village of Wichamstow Linstede - the farm The estate of Drengham The Normans The Welsh St. Alfheah's Church Acmylen - the mill Swinwudu - The wood The Saxons Thorvald the Scop - Story teller The quayside St. Werberg's Mynster

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